my story 

If you are looking to learn how to build your fitness foundation into your lifestyle,
I am your girl! 

I believe hard work pays off and I’m here to get you to the finish line with the biggest smile on your face! 

  • FUN FACT! JAKd by Jamie was created with my initials! Jamie Alridge Kluser – So good right?! How could I not! Like many of us during the pandemic, locked down and out of work I struggled with what I was going to do with my time. I started filming my daily workouts, sharing more of my eating habits and knowledge, and most of all finding ways to keep motivated! This is how I created JAKd by Jamie

    In 2010 I graduated from Langara in Vancouver with a Bachelors of Science in Nursing. I worked in the Nursing field for many years until I decided to take a break and turn my focus towards other endeavors. For the next 10 years I built a career in senior management within the hospitality sector. I focused on restaurant openings and staff development. After making the decision to close our final restaurant, I returned to my first love, Fitness! You know the saying, “as one door closes another opens!”

    I was a client of Studio Lagree for many years before becoming a trainer. A month after closing our restaurant I registered for the Lagree certification training. Over the next two years I added my CPT (Certified Personal training) designation from the NASM accredited program and became a certified EMS certified specialist. I love incorporating all my fitness knowledge and training to bring individualized programs to each of my clients! Combining my athleticism, educational degree in Health Science, and my leadership & management skills has led me to where I am today!

    I have had the privilege of working with a wide range of clients and athletes. I love teaching individuals about form and foundation! Whether I am working one on one or in a group setting, I pride myself on working in a judgment free zone and providing support to each individual. It's key we set independent goals for where you are on your fitness journey. When meeting new clients I like to take the time to understand your needs so that I can best support your growth.

  • In 2020 I became pregnant with our first child! Although I was met with some challenges during my pregnancy (as we all are!) I was able to keep myself motivated to stay active right up until I gave birth. Workouts went from 60 minutes to 30 and it was all I needed a few times a week! We also got our puppy at 20 weeks and she kept me moving all day every day! After I gave birth I developed de Quervain tenosynovitis in my dominant wrist. It was the most excruciating pain that I had to deal with! It started when Jake was only 4 months old and lasted for over a year! YES! I am still dealing with it today! For the majority of that time I could not lift anything else aside from him! No weights, No planks, some days I couldn’t even drive or write!

    This took a major toll on my mental health, not being able to do daily tasks or even exercise without being in excruciating pain was very difficult for me! To say I was frustrated was a Huge understatement; me, the “fit personal trainer” was plagued with another injury! I was so grateful to have access to the EMS suits. It was the only way I could work out my upper body. I cannot express how amazing EMS was and is for me postpartum. Aside from the wrist, I did have an emergency C-section and after 2 sessions with the suit I was able to recruit my deep core muscles (The transverse abdominis, pelvic floor, many more)!! I was in total shock with how well the suit activated my muscles! Not to mention the amazing strength training I got! Some other amazing benefits, for me, were immediately noticeable strength and muscle recruitment, the ability to intensify an area of focus while still working out the whole body, and the efficiency of the workout (20 min in my own home!!!). It’s a major reason why I made the investment to offer it to others! BECAUSE ITS WORKS, with fantastic results clients can feel immediately!

  • Health and fitness have been a big part of my life from a very young age. The biggest influence on this aspect of my life has been my dad. A natural athlete his entire life, he lives to be outdoors. From freediving and spearfishing off the cliffs of Jamaica as a boy, to being an avid cyclist for many years, he is definitely the reason why I am the athlete I am today. I remember being 8 or 9 years old and my mom worrying about us girls because my dad would take us out on 8 hr+ bike rides!

    I started ballet at the age of 3 and danced competitively until age 14. That’s when my love for basketball took over. I played provincial level basketball in high school. I loved playing group sports and played all the way through college. Although my mom was not personally involved in sports herself, she was definitely my biggest cheerleader and kept me focused. She attended every game, track meet and tournament that she could! Being competitive was and still is a part of who I am! My dad helped prepare me to become the athlete I am and my mom constantly pushed us to be the best. She taught us discipline and motivated me to work harder every single day! Training and fitness is not just about physical ability, it’s equally about mindset. I am fortunate to have had this foundation shape me into the woman I am today.

  • When I was 20 years old I was in my first major accident - a car accident. Somehow, I did not break one bone in my body but I did tear a large amount of soft tissue in my back. I was unable to walk for weeks. This was the start of my struggle with chronic pain for the next 7 years. At this time I was in my first year of Nursing school and the pain was so severe I couldn't carry a backpack or books. Just getting up every morning was a struggle. I was dependent on painkillers to get me through the day. At the time, no one took my pain seriously because I looked normal and could walk. So I just learned to live with being in pain every day.

    My tolerance to pain meds increased month after month, year after year. Throughout my 20's I had a series of unfortunate events all revolving around spinal cord injuries and concussions (Grades 1 to 3). I had a major fall snowboarding. The whiplash and concussion were so bad I did not even realize I had two broken ribs! I've had slip and falls walking, fallen down stairs numerous times, and in a freak accident I was even dropped on my head from 9 feet in the air (that one was bad - out for months). I think it’s safe to say I may have inherited the accident prone gene!

    During my final year of University I learned all about patient advocacy and that is when I decided enough is enough! I’m Done with being in pain! This motivated me to advocate for myself and to seek the help I needed. I was sick of suffering in pain and relying on drugs to get me by. After almost a year of waiting I finally got in to see a chronic pain specialist and was accepted into their pain program.

    My life changed dramatically from there -- I was able to get on proper medication to wean me off painkillers and I was referred to rehab specialists for athletes where I learned so much about what I needed to do to re-strengthen my back and core. Trust me when I say, this was not an easy transition. I had to dig deep to push through the pain to slowly rebuild my strength! I am a huge advocate of building a support team around you. From Physio and Chiro to a great RMT.

    Through all of this pain and recovery came a great appreciation for the fact that I can still walk and move my body! I've had many many months to lay in bed and reflect on how lucky I am to have all of my senses and mobility. Living through multiple years of chronic pain taught me to never give up, to keep fighting and pushing to rebuild and restrengthen my body! Most of al, to give myself patience and grace to get to my goals.

Client love

Client love

  • "Love Jamie! She pushes you in a positive way to achieve your goals. I saw results after just one session. She motivates and encourages which is a combo that works for me. She knows her stuff and can work around an injury with ease."

    — Nicole W

  • "Jamie is an amazing trainer. Always pushing you to reach new heights in your fitness journey. I would highly recommend her training to anyone who wants to see results and continue reaching new fitness goals."

    — Veronica D

  • "Exactly what I needed to get back strength and functional movement post pardom safely with great company and a great playlist to motivate!"

    — Karen C

  • "Jamie comes with a wealth of knowledge on how the body works and how to get the most out of our training together. She is available, personable and delivers results. She has helped me transform my body post baby with her EMS training. Thank you Jamie you have been such a pleasure to train with. Highly recommend her to anyone! Can’t wait for our next session together."

    — Elle S

  • "Amazing! Jamie has great energy and is very motivating! What I liked a lot about our sessions was no two were the same. Jamie switched it up based on my progress AND was diligent in pushing me to work hard, safely. "

    — Giselle A